Article originally posted on Motherly on Oct. 11th, 2023 — See original full article.
As the new school year begins, many families find themselves navigating back to school schedules, from pick-up and drop-off times, after school activities, adjusting work & meeting schedules, and other potential hidden duties like lunch bag & dinner prep— while many households split responsibilities, many mothers often shoulder a significant amount of them. According to Motherly’s 2023 State of Motherhood report, 58% of moms report they are primarily responsible for the duties of running a household and caring for children, up 2% since 2022.
Moms often know before signing up for the tremendous role of “MOM” that it isn’t easy. We know the messy and beautiful experiences leave imprints on our hearts & minds and on our children, and we also realize we’re helping to raise the next generation of problem solvers and community members. Our children look to us and the world around them with limitless curiosity, intrigue and wonder, to see how the world works, how we treat others and how we treat ourselves.
Well-being won’t fully be addressed by mothers alone, it’s crucial for the systems of support, like the organizations we work for or engage with, to consider how to better sustain their talented multi-faceted teams. As the founder and managing member of Inner North Outer Experiences—where we help foster sustainable well-being and connection—and with 10+ years of experience navigating corporate America, I’ve learned so much along the way. Here are some helpful tips for both parents and organizations to consider.
To read the five helpful tips for both parents and organizational leaders — Read full article on Motherly